Why Choose Premium Cataract Surgery?
Standard cataract surgery gives you good vision. Premium surgery gives you exciting options that utilize advanced optics to enhance your lifestyle. New technologies offer options to reduce your dependence on glasses and improve your vision.

Beyond the Standard
Cataract Surgery
Our experienced surgeons will work with you to understand your priorities for near and distance vision and determine your desires to minimize or eliminate dependence on glasses. Then, we’ll define a personalized lens selection that fits your eye needs and desired outcomes.
Premium Cataract Surgery
Upgrade your vision with our premium options:
- Advanced multifocal or toric IOLs
- Clear vision at multiple distances (near, intermediate, and far)
- Your ability to “lock” in your vision
- Correction for astigmatism
- Reduced dependence on glasses
- Customized to your lifestyle and visual needs
Premium IOLs can significantly improve your quality of life by providing a fuller range of vision without as much or any dependence on glasses.

Premium Cataract Surgery Options
Multifocal Capability
Multifocal lenses are designed with five different optic zones, each with specialized functions for different lighting and focal distances. These zones allow the lens to provide clear vision in most situations of daily life, from driving at night to reading the fine print. Recently, a new type of aspheric multifocal refractive IOL became available that is designed to increase contrast sensitivity and improve night vision.
Toric Adjustments
Toric intraocular lenses offer the option to treat astigmatism and reduce or eliminate the need for a correction provided by glasses. These lenses offer the most precise correction available. For patients with slight astigmatism, your surgeon will discuss an option to perform an LRI, a painless process to make slight adjustments to your cornea at the time of your cataract surgery.
Light Adjustable Lens (LAL)
The Light Adjustable Lens (LAL) is an advanced intraocular lens that uniquely allows vision adjustments after cataract surgery, providing patients with customized visual clarity. Composed of a special photosensitive material, the LAL responds to UV light, enabling precise post-surgical adjustments that can optimize vision for daily activities. This adaptability makes it a powerful choice, as patients with the LAL are twice as likely to achieve 20/20 vision or better compared to traditional lenses, enhancing visual outcomes and offering a tailored approach to meet individual lifestyle needs.